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沙特SASO IEC 62368-1:2020延期实施

类别:最新法规 文章出处:沃特测试发布时间:2021-07-05 浏览人次:

据沙特官方71日的通告,原定于202171SASO 起不再接受IEC 62368-1:2014 第二版CB,仅接受IEC 62368-1:2018 第三版CB证书和报告,将延期至202311日。


由于SASO IEC 62368-1:2020 强制实施时间延期,因此,在2022 1230日之前签发的SIRC 认证,仍可持续接受IEC 62368-1:2014第二版CB证书和测试报告。



? Mobiles and their accessories.

? Mobile batteries.

? Laptop.

? Electronic watches.

? Household dishwasher.

? Televisions.

? Technical regulation for electronic devices used in vaping systems.

? Technical Regulations for Small Solar PV Systems.

? Lighting Products

? Electric water pumps (2021.7.1)

? Coffee makers  (2021.7.1)

? Cables  (2021.7.1)

? Water heater  (2021.7.1)

? Video games machines and their accessories  (2021.7.1)

? Electrical house friers  (2021.7.1)

此文关键词:沙特, SASO, IEC62368-1, IT, AV

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