类别:沃特动态 文章出处:沃特测试发布时间:2024-04-26 浏览人次:
近日,澳洲Global-Mark公司的David Gray先生与Peter Karuga先生亲临沃特检验集团宁波公司展开参观访问。
Recently, Mr. David Gray and Mr.Peter Karuga from Global-Mark Pty Ltd in Australia paid a visit to Waltek Ningbo.
David Gray先生和Peter Karuga先生实地参观了宁波沃特实验室,对实验室的环境以及测试现场表达了赞赏之意。
Mr. David Gray and Mr. Peter Karuga visited the laboratory and expressed their appreciation for the laboratory environment and test site.
After the visit, They had an in-depth communication with Mr. Mao Jianzhong, the general manager of Waltek Ningbo, as well as the main persons in charge of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department and the International Certification Department, sharing the latest information of the Australian certification system and the updated information of related product testing standards. Mr. David Gray and Mr. Peter Karuga spoke highly of professionalism and service quality for Waltek Ningbo.
Through the cooperation with Global-Mark, Waltek Ningbo will have a better understanding of the certification requirements of the Australian market and provide customers with more professional and efficient certification services. The close cooperation between the two sides will help the company's products smoothly enter the Australian/New Zealand market and expand a broader international business.
As an important certification body in Australia, Global-Mark has a high degree of authority and popularity in the Australian certification field, and has a wide range of influence in the field of electronic and electrical appliances.
沃特检验集团是中国第三方检测检验与认证质量技术服务机构的引领者,公司严格按照ISO/IEC Guide 65和ISO/IEC 17025的要求建立,取得CNAS和CMA认可,是具有独立法人资质的、综合性的第三方检测检验认证技术服务机构。
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